Why is the one-token-one-satoshi solution needed?

Many people often ask us what value there is in the "one token one satoshi" solution or where its value comes from. Our answer is as follows:

  1. Value Support: The "one token one satoshi" approach provides a fundamental support point for assets, making them feel tangible and not just empty. Even if the assets you mint ultimately fail, the satoshis remain as an asset that will never be worth zero. In fact, they can be considered a form of locked assets that appreciate with the increase in BTC's value. Looking back at the act of minting these assets, the worst outcome would be losing the minting fees paid, but in return, you gain the potential for immense opportunities that could be worth thousands or even millions of times more.

  2. Necessary for Ecological Development: We've previously discussed the two essential conditions for the development of the BTC ecosystem: the ability to issue assets and the ability to support high-concurrency Layer 2 networks. Both of these capabilities must be native to BTC because attempts to change the BTC consensus have almost universally failed, and even if successful, they would take years, which the BTC ecosystem cannot afford. The "one token one satoshi" solution is a native asset issuance method for BTC (where satoshis are the assets, and assets are satoshis), and it naturally supports Layer 2 networks because a native Layer 2 network would inherently support BTC, and satoshis are BTC, and assets are satoshis.

Therefore, the value of the "one token one satoshi" solution is actually beyond our imagination. This is also why we believe that the potential of the Ordinals protocol has yet to be fully explored. "One token one satoshi" is simply a simplified description of assets being bound to satoshis.

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